Vision Bartlett - Strategic Partners

Vision Bartlett is modeled on a public/private strategic partnership that brings all sectors together to implement an economic development program committed to the long-term growth of Bartlett and Northeast Shelby County.  Strategic Partners are committed leaders of the community who provide the resources and guidance necessary to ensure long-term prosperity for all citizens.

Strategic Leaders

This investment level represents the premier leadership group of public/private partnership. Strategic Leaders are decision makers regarding the direction and scope of the Bartlett Vision Initiative. This influential body understands the importance of long-term economic development strategy and the impact a successful program will have on the community.

Strategic Leaders serve as the BV Executive Committee and meet regularly to discuss the development, implementation and approval of major expenditures of BV. This group establishes the policies and guidelines to be used throughout a 10-year initiative.

Click the label below to find out more about each of our Strategic Leaders.

Tactical Advisers

Tactical Advisors serve the Vision Bartlett Executive Committee in an advisory capacity. Their expertise and knowledge is used by Executive Committee to make sound decisions regarding economic development.

Click the label below to find out more about each of our Tactical Advisers.

Economic Investors

Economic Investors understand the importance of a strong economic development program. Their investment in Vision Bartlett is a commitment to the community and to the future of their business. Economic Investors know that as the community prospers, so do they.

Click the label below to find out more about each of our Economic Investors.

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